Downloading your Individual Caseload

As you are not always within range of an internet connection, Community allows you to download your Individual Caseload for use when you are offline.

To download your Individual Caseload:

  1. From the Individual Caseload screen, select Download .
  2. The Offline Data pane displays:

  1. Select Update .
  2. The Downloading your caseload screen displays:

    Note - This is a two-part process.
  1. Once your caseload download is complete, an Offline Data message displays:

While working offline, the Application is currently offline banner displays on all screens within Community:

Note - In order to download your caseload, you must access Communityonline at least once for the authentication service to work on the windows laptop you intend to use offline.

Your caseload download consists of your caseload for yesterday, today and the next five days Patient Care screens are included for all patients you download.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.